Playing Engines on DGTCentaurMods

Playing Engines on DGTCentaurMods

Some engines are included with DGT Centaur Mods. If you want to add your own then you can add any UCI compatible engine with the web interface. The engine mode of DGT Centaur Mods allows you to play an engine as it was originally intended (rather than the Centaur’s adaptive mode)

Starting an Engine

From the menu select Engines

Engines Menu

You will then be prompted to select an engine

Engines Menu 2

Following this you will be presented with several other menus, depending on the engines, to determine what color you want to play, etc.


You play the engine normally, just as you would play the original DGT Centaur software. In engine mode we support take backs - simply put the pieces back in the last state to roll back to that position. If you wish to go back multiple positions you must go back through each of them. The engine will indicate the move it wishes to make on its turn. As with the original Centaur software, you should play this but you don’t have to if you want to experiment.

The epaper display is viewable from both the white and black sides of the board, so it doesn’t matter what color you are playing!

Engines Play Start

In engine mode then Analysis calculations and graphs are shown by default if you are running on a Pi Zero 2w (and off on a Pi Zero w to save on CPU). To turn them off press the down arrow on the board, or to turn them on press the up arrow. The back button can be used to quit in frustration when you’ve set a level too high for yourself :)

Engines Analysis